Universal Primary Healthcare
All Tibetans in India and Nepal receive access to affordable primary health care through programs generously funded by USAID and the U.S. State Department. Managed by the Central Tibetan Administration and Snow Lion Foundation, a network of 47 hospitals and clinics offer primary and preventive services to more than 75,000 Tibetans in India and Nepal. The most vulnerable community members receive free consultations and life-saving drugs, including the destitute, torture survivors, HIV patients, epilepsy and leprosy patients, Tibetans with disabilities, disadvantaged elders, and recovering substance abuse patients.
To bring primary care to the doorsteps of settlement residents, we launched the Comprehensive Community Outreach and Coordinated Care program with our partners in India and Nepal. Trained community health workers make regular home visits to conduct point-of-care testing, deliver behavior change health messages, provide basic primary services, and make referrals. Telemedicine is being introduced to improve access in remote settlements, where patients receive teleconsultations with specialist doctors, and community health workers facilitate online diagnostics and e-prescriptions.
The Tibet Fund also supports a wide range of preventive health camps, most recently in collaboration with the CTA Department of Health, Tibetan Cancer Society, Tibetan Heart Foundation, Tibetan Charitable Dentists, Altruism in Action, and Reimagining Doeguling Tibetan Settlement. To prevent curable blinding ailments we have organized free eye camps in more than 25 settlements of India and Nepal with support from the Eye Surgery Fund.
The Tibet Fund
The Tibet Fund