Tibetan Settlements Matching Grant Program
The Tibet Fund (TTF) is excited to announce a new partnership with the Department of Home (DOHo) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) for the 2025 Tibetan Settlements Matching Grant Program. TTF and DOHo invite project proposals from Overseas Settlement Support Organizations (OSSO) that are supporting settlement-based projects in India and Nepal to participate in the Tibetan Settlements Matching Grant Program. The program aims to enhance the sustainability and cohesion of Tibetan settlements by encouraging overseas Tibetans to raise funds to meet community-identified needs in their original home settlements.
How the Matching Grant Program Works:
TTF and DoHo will each offer matching grants of up to USD 10,000 for projects that align with the goal of strengthening Tibetan settlements in South Asia. For example, for a project with a total budget of USD 30,000, if an OSSO raises USD 10,000, TTF will provide a matching grant of USD 10,000, and DoHo will also provide a matching grant of USD 10,000. If an OSSO contributes more than USD 10,000, TTF and DoHo will each provide matching grants of USD 10,000.
Applicant: Any overseas association or organization (legal registration not required) raising funds for projects in their respective settlements.
Project: Any settlement-based project identified by community member that contributes to settlement sustainability and vitality, and community cohesion.
Priority: First-time OSSO applicants, CTA’s Bringing Back Compact Community (BBCC) identified settlements, and remote underserved settlements.
Community Engagement: Proposals that demonstrate the use of community participatory tools to identify and prioritize needs will be given preference.
Scholarships, stipends, and recurring salaries; organizing public events; office renovation; and purchase of equipment.
OSSOs that have received matching grants for two consecutive years will be ineligible in the third year but may apply again the following year.
Application Instructions:
1. A complete proposal should include:
TTF Grant Proposal Form Click here to download
One supporting Letter from the Settlement Officer recommending the need for the specified project
All applications must be submitted by email. Proposals sent by post will not be accepted. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]
The deadline for submission is January 15, 2025, at 17:00 IST